Bolster Swings
Southpaw Bolster swings are an essential tool for a Sensory Integration therapist and is one of our most popular therapy swings, due to its versatility. The bolster swing helps stimulate the vestibular system as well as working on core strength and balance.
Children and Adults can work and improve their postural form as the bolster swing moves back and forth. You can also introduce fun exercises and fine motor activities to improve coordination.
We make some of the sturdiest heavy duty swings for adults in the UK. Southpaw Bolster swings are made to the highest quality and are designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding therapy environment.

Southpaw Bolster Swing
Items £98.00 to £685.00
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Advantage Line 2-in-1 Bolster Swing & Trapeze Bar
Eligible for VAT relief

Glider Bolster
Items £800.00 to £1,145.00
Eligible for VAT relief

Bilateral Bolster Swing
Items £685.00 to £742.00
Eligible for VAT relief

Bolster Swing - Advantage Line
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