Press Release about Zuma Rockers

A lot of people have been questioning why we have discontinued the smaller version of our Zuma rocker range and I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to our community to explain why.

In trying to understand the needs of our end users, I often start by watching my “exuberant” 3 year old son climb on things!!! This time it was on chairs in our office.

As you would expect we have a range of Zuma rockers available for our staff and guests to use and it just so happened that we had a small Zuma rocker sat in the corner. Watching him climb and sit on this, it was only then that I realised, at just less than 1m tall, he was almost the perfect size for this chair. Now, don’t get me wrong, he was very much enjoying the vestibular benefits of the chair, but it got me thinking. Is this chair right for him at this stage?

It prompted me to get the team together and look at the data over the past 9 years of selling these chairs. And what it showed us was quite interesting...

  1. The majority of requests for Zuma rockers are for users between the ages of 6 & 16

  2. The small Zuma rocker return rate was approximately 65% higher than the larger version, with the majority of those being returned due to it not being large enough.

  3. Our customers want to invest in items that will last and their child will not outgrow, which is why we have seen the larger version of the Zuma rocker outsell the smaller version 7 to 1.

  4. For our younger & smaller users, there are actually other options which can help benefit their development more than sitting on a vestibular chair. Floor sitting (whether crossed legged or side sitting), Howdahugs for circle time, tummy time play etc.

On this basis, we made the decision to suspend the sale of the smaller Zuma rocker , as we believe that the larger version would be much better suited for the age ranges mentioned. We still are offering the versions with arms for better posture and side stability support, the BraceRock version for our heavier or more “enthusiastic” users, and also the FloorRock perfect for students who thrive when sitting low to the ground.

In time, I know that a Zuma rocker will be working its way into our home as I am certain that my boy will need some assistance to “work out the wiggles” while still staying task orientated, best get my order in now...

Robert Cooke

Zuma Rockers -

Zuma Rockers with Arms -

Zuma BraceRock -

Zuma FloorRock -

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